Until the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act in 2022, there was physical horizontal load balancing between the four transmission system operators (TSOs) in accordance with Section 58 EEG 2021.
On 15.12.2022, the four TSOs implemented the abolition of load balancing demanded as part of the amendment to the EEG. As this made the publication of the wind and solar energy forecast for the previous day and the forecast for marketing on the previous day's spot market identical, the publication of the wind and solar energy forecast for the previous day was discontinued. The ongoing publication can be found in the Wind and Solar Energy Marketing Forecast section.
Here you will find data up to 15.12.2022: The forecast for wind and solar energy is calculated from the previous day's forecast of the expected wind and solar energy feed-in in the respective control area after deduction of the directly marketed wind and solar electricity volumes.