Allocation of the pro rata company-related gross value added limit (maximum amount/CAP) to the individual supply points of a company
If the extended procedure was applied for and approved when the application was submitted, the privileged 15%, 25% etc. CHP surcharge and offshore grid surcharge at the off-take points privileged under § 31, § 36 or § 67 Para. 2 EnFG is limited to the sum of all limited off-take points for the electricity share above 1 GWh for each company (= maximum amount/CAP). When applying for and obtaining approval for the simplified procedure, there is no cap on a company-wide maximum amount.
If the company has more than one limited offtake point, the maximum amount must be allocated to the beneficiary offtake points by the company itself and on its own responsibility.
The TSOs concerned must be informed of this allocation in full.
In accordance with the legal opinion of the BAFA and the BNetzA, the CAP amount contained in the BAFA notice is considered cumulatively for the KWKG levy and the offshore grid levy.
However, when allocating this amount, a number of requirements must be observed that result from the BAFA
and apply to the levies under the EnFG (currently the KWKG levy and offshore grid levy):
- The sum of the off-take point-related CAPs must correspond to the company CAP from the BAFA notifications.
- As the amount of the surcharges under the EnFG is limited to the company CAP in the sum of all limited offtake points, it is not permissible to divide the CAP among the parts of the company in such a way that some parts of the company exceed the CAP and therefore do not have to pay the KWKG surcharge and offshore grid surcharge or only the minimum surcharge, while at the same time the CAP is divided among other parts of the company or only completely allocated to a single part of the company that does not exhaust this CAP with its electricity volume. In these cases, contrary to the BAFA decision, the levy would already be reduced in accordance with section 31 no. 2 or no. 3 EnFG, even though the previous condition of the limitation notice has not yet been fulfilled company-wide. In general, the company must allocate the CAP to its business units in such a way that the CAP is either exceeded by all business units or by none of them.
- During the year, the privileged company can estimate the CAP allocation and, if necessary, adjust it during the year. However, a final determination and thus also a review by the TSO is only possible as part of the annual reporting/testing.