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Measuring and estimating

The four transmission system operators (TSOs) have summarized their common basic understanding for the identification of the end consumer, for the allocation of electricity consumption, for appropriate estimates and for ensuring simultaneity:

Downloads (in German)

Please note that the transitional provision under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (Section 104 (10) EEG 2021), according to which electricity quantities could be estimated for a transitional period without the authority to estimate, was abolished on 01.01.2022. For this reason and due to the entry into force of the Energy Financing Act (EnFG), the transmission system operators have updated the documents provided here. 

The previous version, which may be required for corrections to the previous year as part of the year-end settlement and which, among other things, still contains the requirements for the declaration in accordance with Section 104 (10) EEG 2021, can be found in the archive.

In addition, the four transmission system operators have set out their common basic understanding of the assessment of the requirements for an estimation authority in accordance with Section 46 EnFG (statutory regulation before 01.01.2023: Section 62b EEG 2021) and developed a calculation tool to prove the estimation authority:

Downloads (in German)

Please note that the IDW template for the audit of the 2022 year-end statement still refers to the basic understanding of the transmission system operators on the proof of estimation authority pursuant to Section 62b EEG 2021 dated 28.03.2022. This can be used for the auditing of the 2022 year-end statement with the exception of the transitional provision in accordance with Section 104 (10) EEG 2021.

Here you will find information from previous years on the TSOs' common basic understanding of measurement and estimation as well as proof of estimation authority, including calculation examples.