EEG remuneration category table

In accordance with the provisions of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the amount of the minimum remuneration and premiums to be paid to plant operators depends on the type of energy, the year of commissioning, the output of the plant and other criteria (e.g. the use of certain input materials).  

The transmission system operators have created an EEG remuneration category table from the many possible combinations of remuneration-relevant criteria, which is updated regularly. The designations of the EEG remuneration categories are also the basis for the reports submitted by distribution system operators to the transmission system operators and the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).The transmission system operators have created an EEG remuneration category table from the many possible combinations of remuneration-relevant criteria, which is updated regularly. The designations of the EEG remuneration categories are also the basis for the reports submitted by distribution system operators to the transmission system operators and the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

The current EEG remuneration category table with possible remuneration and bonus combinations as well as sample calculations can be found below as an Excel file.

Explanation of the calculation methodology for a monthly market value that exceeds the "value to be applied" of a EEG system

The market premium is calculated from the value to be applied minus the monthly or annual market value. If the energy source-specific market value is higher than the value to be applied, the capping must be carried out on a plant-specific basis when calculating the market premium. A plant-specific value to be invested is determined for the specific plant and the monthly market value or annual market value is then deducted from this total value.

The general remuneration regulations of Sections 19 et seq. EEG and in particular the reference of § 23a EEG to § 19 para. 1 no. 1 EEG as well as the provisions of Annex 1 prescribe a plant-related approach. As part of the Act on Immediate Measures for an Accelerated Expansion of Renewable Energies and Further Measures in the Electricity Sector, this understanding was legally confirmed by a clarifying addition in Annex 1 No. 1 EEG 2021.

A system-based approach means that the difference between the value to be applied and the energy source-specific market value is first calculated individually for each remuneration category, then the sum of the positive and any negative interim results of the individual remuneration categories is calculated and this sum is capped at "zero" if it is negative. If the sum of the values calculated for the individual remuneration categories remains positive overall, this value is the market premium to be paid out.

In the opinion of the transmission system operators, the reduction of the payment entitlement to zero in the event of negative prices in accordance with Section 51 EEG represents an exception. As a penalty is only to be imposed for electricity volumes in a certain period (1, 4 or 6 hours), which may not have any further influence on the market premium settlement of the remaining marketed electricity volumes in the remaining settlement period, in this case the market value is not deducted again from the zero value to be applied, but remains at zero.

The plant-related approach also corresponds to the established calculation method for the tenant electricity levy. A market situation on the electricity exchanges that changes the result of the calculation methodology for the market premium does not justify a different approach.

EEG remuneration tables and EEG levy categories as of 2010 (in German)

Note on penalty payments for CHP plants: The EEG remuneration tables do not contain any categories for penalty payments for breaches of obligations in accordance with Section 52 (8) EEG 2023 if CHP plants violate technical requirements. The payments are recorded via the KWKG monthly/annual reports and testing, although any income is transferred to the EEG account of the respective TSO for regulatory reasons in accordance with the EnFG and thus benefits the EEG equalization mechanism