Times with and without entitlement to remuneration are published at the beginning of the following month as soon as the spot market prices and market values have been checked and approved.
The values are determined according to the legal requirements regarding the number of hours with a negative spot market price. The legal basis can be found in particular in Section 51 EEG of the various versions of the law from 2017 and Section 9 InnAusV.
If marked "Yes", an entitlement to remuneration is granted for the hour in question under the rule described in each case; if marked "No", no entitlement to remuneration is granted for the hour in question or the corresponding period as a whole.
Note: Please note that with the introduction of the EEG 2023, the identical number of hours no longer applies to the respective affected installations over their entire remuneration entitlement period, but the number of relevant hours depends on the calendar year to be invoiced.