Tools for calculating the reduced levies

EEG surcharge (valid for power years up to and including 2022)

The transmission system operators have made a calculation tool available for download below to determine and verify the reduction in the EEG surcharge for electricity consumed in an electricity storage system in accordance with the provisions of Section 61l (1) EEG 2021.

If the surcharge reduction is claimed, the completed tool must be submitted to the responsible transmission system operator by all eligible electricity supply companies, end consumers and self-consumers at the latest for the annual report in addition to the other reporting obligations pursuant to Section 74 and Section 74a EEG 2021. The transmission system operators reserve the right to request the tool during the year in certain cases. The transmission system operators also support the use of the tool when billing the grid operator for the levy reduction.

Further details can be found in the explanatory document also provided.

Charges in accordance with EnFG and StromNEV/BK8-24-001-A

The balancing amounts to reduce the KWKG and offshore grid surcharges can be verified for the following circumstances:

  • Electricity that is consumed in an electricity storage facility in accordance with the provisions of Sections 21 (1), (2) and (4) EnFG
  • Electricity consumed in a bidirectional charging point in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 (3) EnFG
  • Electricity consumed for the generation of storage gas in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 (5) EnFG

The balancing amounts to reduce the §19 StromNEV surcharge/the surcharge for special grid usage can be verified for the following circumstances

  • Electricity that is stored in an electricity storage facility in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 (2) sentence 16 StromNEV in conjunction with. §§ Sections 21 (1), (2) and (4) EnFG
  • Electricity consumed in a bidirectional charging point in accordance with the provisions of § 19 Para. 2 S. 16 StromNEV in conjunction with § 21 Para. 3 EnFG. § 21 Para. 3 EnFG
  • Electricity used to generate storage gas in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 (2) sentence 16 StromNEV in conjunction with Section 21 (5) EnFG. § 21 Para. 5 EnFG

The transmission system operators (TSOs) provide the following calculation tools for download to determine and verify the reduction in the surcharges for the above cases.

The tools serve as an aid for processing and correct invoicing of the levies. Further details can be found in the explanatory sheet in the respective Excel file.

Downloads (in German)