1. URLs of the APIs

I have successfully registered for the "WebApiReader" role on netztransparenz.de. Unfortunately, I have not found any further information on the URLs / entry points for the API.

Depending on which API endpoint you want to access, the information contained in the URL for the data category "{data}", the data point "{product}" and the requested time period "{dateFrom} or {dateTo}" must be adapted in the following URL: https://ds.netztransparenz.de/api/v1/data/{data}/{product}/{dateFrom}/{dateTo}

For further information, please refer to the Web API documentation and the available JSON file.

You can reach the Swagger area via the following link: https://extranet.netztransparenz.de/DesktopModules/LotesDataManagementExtranet/Swagger/index.html?version=public

2. API forwarding

If I have logged into the netztransparenz.de extranet with my API access data from the API registration and click on the "API forwarding" link, this does not work - what is the reason for this?  

The link will work if your browser settings allow pop-ups and/or redirects. If this is the case, a pop-up window will open. If this is not the case, you may need to adjust your browser settings.  

In the "Edge" browser, for example, the text "Pop-ups blocked" appears in the input line. If you agree to open the pop-up, you can access the Swagger page.

3. API Swagger environment

How can I use or test the Web APIs in the Swagger environment? 

If you have registered for API use and have created at least one client in the TSO extranet, you can test all web APIs in the Swagger environment by clicking on the "Authorize" button in the top right-hand corner.  
In the first screen, please enter your personal ClientID and your ClientSecret. Now you can use the individual APIs by clicking on the "Try it out" button and filling in the input fields.

4. Error 401 – Unauthorized

When I try to retrieve data in the Swagger environment, I get the error 401 - Unauthorized.

If you have successfully registered for the API and have already created a client, data retrieval is generally possible. Please note in particular the answer to the FAQ question "How can I use or test the Web APIs in the Swagger environment".

5. Machine-to-machine communication

Is it possible to call up the Web APIs automatically using machine-to-machine communication?

With the changeover to OAuth 2.0 Client Credential Grant, machine-to-machine API usage is possible.