Regulations for electricity supply companies (EltVU) and other end consumers (sLV)

In accordance with the StromPBG, the financial relief for end consumers pursuant to Section 4 (1) StromPBG is provided by electricity supply companies (EltVU). So-called other end consumers (SLV), on the other hand, receive their electricity via grid exit points without delivery from an electricity supply company and, in accordance with Section 7 (1) StromPBG, have a claim for reimbursement against the transmission system operator (TSO) in whose control area the electricity is withdrawn via the relevant grid exit point.

The corresponding rolling mechanism is based on the processes of the former EEG surcharge collection and is specified by the StromPBG. Therefore, the implementation of timely payment of advance payments in accordance with Section 22a StromPBG is largely based on known and established business processes for EEG processing.

Data reporting for relief claims

The information required for the payment of relief claims in accordance with Sections 12, 30 and 31 StromPBG is recorded via the portals of the transmission system operators already known from the EEG surcharge processing.

For the data reporting for the assertion of claims for relief, categories were developed by the transmission system operators on the basis of the legal principles. These categories are shown in the Excel file available below, which serves as a guide for data reporting in the TSO portals. Thesee can be found in the documents provided.


Self-declarations by end consumers are only forwarded to the audit authority by the transmission system operators in accordance with the provisions of Section 30 (7) StromPBG if they are self-declarations by other end consumers in accordance with Section 7 StromPBG.

Self-declarations submitted to us by electricity supply companies for their end consumers are not forwarded to the audit authority by the transmission system operators due to them not being within their remit.

An application for an extension of the deadline for submitting a final self-declaration in accordance with Section 30 (1) No. 2 StromPBG must be submitted to the inspection authority before 31.05.24. Other final consumers must submit the approval of the deadline extension from the inspection authority to the transmission system operator responsible for the control area immediately upon receipt.

Notes on claims for relief:

  1. When claiming relief, taking into account any maximum limits in accordance with Sections 9 and 10 StromPBG, it should be noted that all subsidies in accordance with Section 2 No. 5 StromPBG must be taken into account when calculating the amount of relief.
  2. According to Section 3 (3) StromPBG, the relief for high electricity costs may not be applied to electricity that is consumed without being drawn from the grid.
  3. Since 01.05.2023, Section 1 (4) of the Differential Amount Adjustment Ordinance (DBAV) (in German) and its amendment(in German) of 27.09.2023 must also be observed when reporting claims for relief under the StromPBG.
  4. The terms grid withdrawal and grid are defined, among other things, in the definitions of § 2 StromPBG and refer to the Energy Industry Act (§ 3 No. 16 EnWG). According to this, customer facilities (as defined in §§ 3 No. 24a, b EnWG) are not considered a grid.
  5. Please note the Ordinance on the Recovery of Overpaid Relief under the Electricity Price Brake Act and the Natural Gas Heat Price Brake Act and on the Transfer of Recovery Claims to the Federal Government (PBRüV) of 03.04.2024 (in German).

End-of-year settlement

For the final statement to the TSOs, please refer to the BMWK's document "Explanation of the BMWK's legal opinion on deadline regulations in the Electricity Price Brake Act (StromPBG)". According to the document, an EltVU must submit the end-of-year settlement including auditor's certificate by 31.05.24/31.05.25 in accordance with § 31 Para. 1 No. 1 lit. b StromPBG and another end consumer by 30.06.24/30.09.24/30.11.24 in accordance with § 12 Para. 3 StromPBG. In the case of an EltVU, no application for an extension of the deadline is required if the notification is submitted in 2025.

In order to enable as many electricity supply companies as possible to submit a proper final statement in 2024 using the official IDW audit note, the transmission system operators will in exceptional cases accept the submission of auditor's certificates for the final statement in accordance with Section 31 (1) no. 1 lit. b StromPBG for electricity supply companies by 30.06.2024. If no auditor's certificate is submitted by this date, no year-end statement will be issued. Accordingly, the notification and submission of the auditor's certificate by 31.05.2025 is then decisive. 

For details on the end-of-year settlement, the TSOs refer to their joint letter of 26.03.2024 and the joint set of documents attached below.

IDW audit note

Enclosed you will also find the official IDW audit note for the audit of the summarized final invoice in accordance with § 34 StromPBG, which must be enclosed with the notifications in accordance with § 31 Para. 1 No. 1 lit. b StromPBG and § 12 Para. 3 StromPBG.

Sample for the summarized final statement of an electricity supply company in accordance with § 31 Para. 1 No. 1 letter b StromPBG

Sample for the summarized final invoice of another end consumer in accordance with § 12 Para. 3 StromPBG

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