The joint system protection plan of the four German transmission system operators describes a framework with an overview of emergency measures and their necessity. The aim of the system protection plan is to remain capable of acting in critical emergency situations in order to maintain grid and system security in the synchronous area.
The basis for the measures described is Section 13 EnWG. The measures are activated in accordance with the "Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of August 2, 2017 establishing a guideline for transmission system operation" (System Operation Guideline).
The system protection plan refers to the applicable standards of the VDE application guidelines at relevant points. This includes VDE-AR-N 4140 (Cascade) and VDE-AR-N 4142 (Automatic final measures).
The requirements defined here therefore apply equally to TSOs, distribution system operators (DSOs) and significant grid users (SGUs) in all German control areas. This means that TSOs, DSOs and SGUs are obliged to comply with the requirements and implement the stipulations within the set deadlines. The status thus achieved must subsequently be maintained by the respective grid operator and grid users.