As part of the "Clean Energy Package" (CEP) legislative package, the EU Commission has defined requirements for both the introduction of capacity mechanisms (CRM) and their design. According to the provisions of the Electricity Market Regulation (Art. 26 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943), capacity mechanisms must be opened up for the cross-border participation of foreign capacities. Since 2024, capacity providers in Germany have the option of cross-border participation in the Belgian and Polish capacity mechanisms. A prerequisite is a direct connection to the electricity supply network of a German transmission system operator.
The Polish transmission system operator (PSE) provides extensive information on the basic functions and deadlines of the Polish CRM on its website (Link).
Furthermore, PSE has published a guideline on the framework conditions for cross-border participation in the Polish CRM (Link) as well as further information and examples (Link).
The process is as follows (source: PSE):