GCC balance traffic light

The GCC balance traffic light shows the current system balance status. This makes a possible shortfall or surplus visible.

On this page, the four transmission system operators present the GCC balance traffic light. This shows the current system balance status with a short time delay. The value of the German GCC balance for the last few minutes is calculated and set in relation to the dimensioned control power.

The value of the GCC balance traffic light is determined on the basis of defined limit values and displayed in red (positive), yellow (positive), green, yellow (negative) and red (negative).

Positive GCC balance traffic light signals mean that there is a deficit in the system, negative GCC balance traffic light signals mean that there is a surplus in the system.

Further explanations can be found in the FAQs or in the presentation from the introductory workshop (in German).

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Ende des berücksichtigten Intervalls:
Aggregierungsintervall: 5 min
Zeitliche Verzögerung: 2 min
Intervalle der Ampelfarben:
Rot negativ (-∞; 80 % der dimensionierten negativen SRL und MRL]
Gelb negativ (80 % der dimensionierten negativen SRL und MRL; 60 % der dimensionierten negativen SRL und MRL]
Grün negativ (60 % der dimensionierten negativen SRL und MRL; -500 MW)
Blau [-500 MW; 500 MW]
Grün positiv (500 MW; 60 % der dimensionierten positiven SRL und MRL)
Gelb positiv [60 % der dimensionierten positiven SRL und MRL; 80 % der dimensionierten positiven SRL und MRL)
Rot positiv [80 % der dimensionierten positiven SRL und MRL; )
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