There are three different modules for calculating the imbalance price:
Module 1
As part of IP Module 1, the prices of the European balancing platforms PICASSO and MARI are included in the imbalance price.
Note: The aFFR VWAP for calculating the AEP Module 1 is published on the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform in the “Balancing/Energy/Prices of Activated Balancing Energy” section. The following filter settings must be selected: Reserve Type: aFRR, Type of Product: Standard, Source: Not Specific.
Note: The mFRR VWAP is not yet published.
Module 2
The IP module 2 is formed on the basis of the IP Index. In addition, a minimum gap is established between the IP Index and the imbalance price in Module 2.
Module 3
In IP module 3, the scarcity component is applied in quarter hours in which the balance of the German Grid Control Cooperation has a value of at least 80% of the Balancing Energy dimensioned for the German Grid Control Cooperation in the corresponding direction.
In the event of a positive balance of the German Grid Control Cooperation (deficit), the scarcity component forms the lower limit for the reBAP for the respective quarter of an hour. In the event of a negative balance of the German Grid Control Cooperation (surplus), the scarcity component forms the upper limit for the reBAP for the respective quarter hour.
The scarcity component is a second-order function (parabolic curve) depending on the balance of the German Grid Control Cooperation.