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As part of the EnWG reform in November 2023, the "Use instead of curtail" regulation was introduced with Section 13k EnWG. This instrument creates incentives to activate additional electricity consumption in order to counteract emerging grid bottlenecks. This measure has the effect of relieving congestion, which in turn means that less electricity from renewable energies has to be curtailed due to grid congestion.
The Section 13k EnWG introduced for this purpose stipulates that the transmission system operators (TSOs) must carry out a forecast of the hourly volumes of curtailed electricity for specific regions no later than the morning of the day before delivery. Partial quantities of this forecast are given to authorized participants whose consumption facilities can contribute to reducing the forecast grid congestion by increasing load.
The schedule is shown below.
In accordance with Section 13k (6) sentence 2 no. 7 EnWG, the TSOs have drawn up an implementation concept by April 1st, 2024 and then submitted it to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) for review within the specified deadline. The TSO implementation concept reviewed by the BNetzA can be found at the following link TSO implementation concept pursuant to Section 13k (6) EnWG.
The additionality criteria for the regulation are to be defined by the BNetzA by July 1st, 2024 at the latest.
On 28/06/2024, the BNetzA published the definition of the additionality criteria pursuant to Section 13k (3) sentence 3 EnWG. For further information on this topic, we recommend the corresponding publication of the BNetzA.
The start of a trial phase is scheduled for October 1st, 2024.
On the 01/08/2024 the TSOs published the contract documentation and the parameters for the start of the instrument. A FAQ page has also been set up to provide assistance.
In order to assess the potential impact of the instrument, relevant stakeholders were involved at an early stage. In consultation with the BNetzA and BMWK, the TSOs organized an industry dialogue and held several information events from January 2024 to inform potential interested parties/participants about the planned framework in a non-discriminatory manner and to ask for their requirements and views.
In addition, the TSOs surveyed potential participants in order to identify possible pilot projects that could participate in the trial phase. Furthermore, bilateral exchange meetings were organized with interested parties for possible participation.
The regulation of Section 13k EnWG came into force on 29/12/2023 and can be found at the following link BGBl. 2023 I No. 405 of 28/12/2023 (from page 5). The corresponding recommended resolution, including the explanatory memorandum, can be viewed at the following link German Bundestag printed matter 20/9187 (from page 25).
Interested parties and potential participants are still requested to contact the 4 TSOs. Please use the contact form and select the topic "Use instead of curtail". If possible, please state the type of planned additional consumption and the planned location of the relief systems in your message.