Relief Regions

For the trial phase from October 2024 to September 2026, the transmission system operators (TSOs) have defined eight relief regions in which participants can take part in the Section 13k “ Use instead of curtail” instrument. These regions were selected on the basis of historical data, experience from the operational 4 TSO processes and taking grid planning aspects into account. The corresponding map, which has already been published in the TSO implementation concept, is shown below. Further details on the congestion relief regions can also be found in the TSO implementation concept.

In addition, the TSOs would like to offer all those interested in Section 13k EnWG the opportunity to find out about the intended developments of the relief regions with the outlook for future relief regions. The outlook for the congestion relief regions is based on the planning status of the grid requirements, the foreseeable expansion of renewable energy, the concerns of the operational processes and the current expansion of the transmission grids and takes into account the completion dates of grid expansion projects from today's perspective. Due to the dependence on the further expansion of the transmission grids, the following disclaimer applies: 

The outlook for future relief regions within the framework of Section 13k EnWG of the transmission system operators shown in the diagram is non-binding and is intended solely for the information of interested and potential “Use instead of curtail” participants. No legal claims can be derived from this illustration.

There are plans to expand the relief regions in the future. The relief regions from the trial phase (from 2024) are to remain in place. The specific affiliation of the future relief regions has not yet been determined and is therefore not shown.