Various rules and methods exist for the processes required to plan and operate the German transmission grid. The so-called framework document of the German transmission system operators "Planning and operation of the German transmission grid" provides an overview of the interaction of the planning and operation processes. It also contains descriptions and definitions as well as overarching definitions and assignments of these processes. There is also a "Glossary" which explains the various terms used in the planning and operation of the German transmission grid.
A basic document for the planning process is the "Principles for the expansion planning of the German transmission grid", the so-called planning principles. This is a joint document of the transmission system operators for the development of demand-oriented, prospective grid concepts for secure and efficient grid operation in the context of the national and European legal framework and the obligations in European interconnected operation. With this document, the transmission system operators aim to improve acceptance of the necessary grid expansion, particularly in the course of the energy transition, with a transparent grid planning process.
The joint document of the transmission system operators "GERMAN LIMIT VALUE CONCEPT - RULES FOR DETERMINING AND MONITORING LIMIT VALUES FOR THE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT OF THE GERMAN TRANSMISSION NETWORK" is a relevant document for the operational process and describes the uniform framework for action for the system management of the transmission system operators. Among other things, it describes the uniform approach to the use of and compliance with limit values, in particular the current and voltage limit values, in the operating processes and, in particular, in the grid control systems. The limit value concept also focuses on the clear and consistent use of terms and definitions.
The document takes into account operational experience, normative guidelines and the requirements of the ENTSO-E System Operation Guideline. Furthermore, the limit value concept describes guard rails that are used for the increased utilization of the transmission grid and the application of further innovative measures.